The next letter to cover regarding my Strategy is R for Read. For those that knew me well when I was young (e.g. my mother), to consider that I might one day be a reader would have been wasted time. I did not like to read as a teenager, and did not take the time to read in my early twenties. In my late twenties and early thirties I began to read more (especially when I began seminary), and now I have a hard time thinking what a life without books would mean. Thus, the inclusion of reading as a part of my Strategy is a no-brainer.
A Time for Clichés
Leaders are Readers
As a leader of a church, a teacher of seminary students, a trainer of pastors, and a student of life, I must read. I have been blessed to receive a good education and have many in my life that have supported me in many ways. However, the world changes fast and the amount of information I do not know far exceeds the small bit that I do know. The way to bridge the gap is to read. By reading, I not only learn, but I am then better prepared to equip others to follow God’s calling on their lives.
Read for Information and for Inspiration
While I enjoy reading many types of books, I have not found time to read much fiction for man years. That may happen again soon, but while finishing two degrees and reading (mostly) what was assigned, I am now focused on reading books that I wanted to read, but didn’t have the time. But different types of reading require different sources. In general, newspapers, magazines, and journals are great sources of information. Books are better for inspiration. Again, I realize it depends on what is being read, but, in a general sense, this statement is true. My current focus is on books, but I am (mostly) keeping up with the periodicals that come as well.
READ-eem the Time
Ephesians 5.16 challenges us to “make the best use of time” (ESV). The Greek literally means to “buy back the time” which is the same as saying “redeem.” Although I do not wish to misuse Scripture, one way I apply this verse to my life is to remind myself of this verse by the cliché above. When I read, I am buying back time that I might have spent doing something poorly. Consider, for instance, something related to church leadership. I can continue to do what I have been doing (and perhaps incorrectly) or I can change my approach because of something I have read which might save (or “buy-back”) time I might have lost later.
Intersecting Strategy and Steps
To truly apply this part of my Strategy the reading I do must be quality. Many quality resources will never be read by me, however, I must be selective so as not to waste my time either. Currently, I am focusing on certain types of books (with a goal of one book per week this year), but in future years, I plan to include many genres. The intersection this week is very straightforward, so I will add a little bonus at the end.
LEARN – I stated above that reading can be informational and inspirational. It can also be recreational. For me, I read to be informed and inspired, and the two need not be mutually exclusive.
LIVE – Being better informed allows me to know how to function better as a person (in a variety of roles), but also to know how my worldview impacts my living within the constructs of today’s society.
LOVE – Being inspired as I read, provides the courage I need to live according to my worldview, which includes loving others as I live.
LEAD – I have stated elsewhere that all Christians are leaders (I believe it was Oswald Sanders who wrote that) as we are to make disciples which requires leading. But apart from that idea, in a group, someone will lead. I do not have to be the leader, but I have to be ready to lead which requires knowing a few details like the who, the what, the when, the where, the why, and the how. Reading can prepare leaders to be ready to engage when the moment comes – or to make the moment when it is needed. Thus, leaders must be readers, and I have been called to lead.
Reading is critical to me. Again, that has not always been the case, but now it is a part of who I am. Of course, the book that should be on the top of my reading list is the Bible. However, many other good books exist and I want to share just a few here for anyone to consider for their reading list. If I could only take a handful of book with me if I moved, in addition to the Bible, these would be the books.
Books by Step:
- Learn – Knowing God (JI Packer) – a theology book that is readable by anyone
- Live – Good to Great in God’s Eyes (Chip Ingram) – personal discipleship
- Live – Choose the Life (Bill Hull) – personal discipleship
- Love – The Master Plan of Evangelism (Robert Coleman) – Jesus’ model for ministry
- Love – Surprised by Hope (NT Wright) – living in light of the resurrection
- Lead – Spiritual Leadership (Oswald Sanders) – Biblically-based leadership principles
- Lead – Simple Church (Rainer and Geiger) – corporate discipleship
Honorable Mention:
What’s Best Next (Matthew Perman) – how to organize life for effectiveness
Prior Posts:
4L – Matthew 4.19 –
4L – Matthew 28.19 –
4L – Spiral –
4L – Vision –
4L – Mission –
4L – Strategy –
4L – Steps –
4L – Learn –
4L – Live –
4L – Love –
4L – Lead –
4L – BackUptheSpiral –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Love) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Exercise) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Action) –
This week I look at the third of the five letters related to my Strategy and share how each of the 4Ls relate. This week is the letter A for Action. It really does not make sense to develop any kind of plan (or Strategy) if you are not going to follow it. But most all of us are guilty of not following through on something, if not many things. We develop concepts, we conceive plans, we may even incorporate others, but then we do not follow through. Thus, this part of my Strategy is a reminder that I might consider Love, Exercise, Read, and Nurture important for me, but I need to do more than talk about these aspects, I need to act on them.
Deception Is Near
James 1.22 says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” In the context, he is writing about people who have ideas about righteous living, but chooses not to live by the truth of those ideas (if, indeed, their understanding is correct). I do not believe it is a stretch to include the idea of good intentions. As I age, I better appreciate the damage of having only good intentions. It is one thing to act on good intentions and have something go wrong. The outcome might not be ideal, but the effort must count for something. However, when we consider good intentions in the scope of James words, the idea relates more to “Well, I meant to...” or “I plan to...” but never following through on the intentions. James words remind us that if we are convinced our intentions are enough, we are deceived!
A part of the reality in not following through on our intentions is that we have so many thoughts on what could be done. Whether the issue relates to something physical, emotional, financial, or something else, the demands are seemingly endless. Therefore, instead of choosing something (perhaps the wrong thing), we choose to do nothing, even though our intentions were to help in some way. James speaks specifically about the lack of helping widows and orphans just a few verses later. How many times do we hear a need and think we could (or should) do something, but forget about it, and then it is “too late.” Especially when it comes to the things of God, we have deceived ourselves into thinking out good intentions were enough. I am convinced the devil is thrilled with our good intentions as long as we do not act. And that is why this word, the third word of my Strategy, serves as a reminder to me – to ACT!
Intersecting Strategy and Steps
So, if I am to ACT so as not to deceive myself, how can each Step help?
LEARN – The Learn Step has a couple of components. First, I need to know where to act. That is, what needs exist that I can assist in helping? The world is full of needs, and I am too limited in my resources to assist in all of those needs. But I serve a God who has distributed the necessary resources in a way that all needs could be met if everyone did their part. Thus, the first part of my learning is to know what part I must do. What talents, skills, passions, finances, etc. has God given me to do my part? Then once I know my part, I must Act on what I know. The Action may require me to Learn something new which is the second element. But to Learn about what I must do is not enough. If I stop at this Step, I am deceiving myself. Instead, I must...
LIVE – As I have defined Live elsewhere, this is the essence of Action. I must do what I know to do based upon what I Learn. If I do this, I am fulfilling this Step.
LOVE – Just because I act does not mean that I am blessing others or God. To truly be a blessing in my Action, I must act in love towards others and for God. Am I doing just to do or am I doing because I desire to please God? Pleasing God is impossible without faith (Hebrews 11.6), and a part of serving God in faith is to serve Him and others in love. Thus, my Action needs to be in LOVE or I am likely still deceiving myself. But, if my Action is in love, then I can truly...
LEAD – This step is the exciting part. If I act in accord with what God is directing me to do, and if I do so in love, then I have the capacity to make a tremendous difference in the lives of others. As my Action is seen and witnessed by others, then they can Learn to Live and Love and Lead others. In other words, it isn’t my learning that makes disciples (although a disciple is a learner – see the appropriate posts listed below – Matthew 4, Matthew 28 and Learn), it is my actions that do so. And my Action brings about Action in others which leads to disciples making disciples – just as God intended.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, none of the pieces of my Strategy can stand alone. Regarding the idea of Action, nothing could be more true. Love is insincere without action. Exercise is impossible without action. Reading, for me, is incomplete without action (see next week’s post). Nurture is imperfect without action. Action is the key component to ensure that my Strategy is being executed so that I can fulfill my Mission in order that I ultimately achieve my Vision. Remember, the Vision is what I wish to become – and while God must do much through me to achieve my goal, the very idea of “to become” requires change which requires – Action.
Prior Posts:
4L – Matthew 4.19 –
4L – Matthew 28.19 –
4L – Spiral –
4L – Vision –
4L – Mission –
4L – Strategy –
4L – Steps –
4L – Learn –
4L – Live –
4L – Love –
4L – Lead –
4L – BackUptheSpiral –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Love) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Exercise) –
Last week, I turned back to my Strategy of LEARN and began to share how the 4Ls impact each part, beginning with the L for Love (for simplicity sake, all links for the entire series are located at the bottom of this post). This week, I turn to the E of Exercise.
Sometimes, I discover new links between my various word choices. For instance, I intentionally chose Steps for each of the Ls, and I intentionally chose exercise for the E of my strategy, but I had not fully considered that taking steps is a part of exercise. Indeed, each step is necessary as I exercise my Strategy, so it fits extremely well. Exercise is not just physical, rather, it is a discipline that encompasses the physical, as well as the spiritual and financial. This area is one where I have much still to learn, but before I engage with the Steps, let me briefly detail each area.
3 Areas of Discipline
Discipline is a word that is often misunderstood when it comes to how people relate to one another, but using the word in relation to habits or other non-living aspects is well understood. Yet, the word means the same in both contexts. Essentially, discipline is the means of making something better. For my case, I exercise discipline to improve physically, financially, and spiritually (or, at least, I should). Frankly I could do much better at all three, and that is why I need steps to make sure my strategy is effect, so I can ultimately achieve my vision.
This part of my Strategy reads as follows:
Exercise Discipline in my life – spiritually, bodily (diet/exercise), and financially (1 Tim. 4.7-8).
Let me briefly break each of these items down.
Spiritual Discipline
Spiritual discipline can include any number of items. Many books talk about various disciplines of the Christian life and I have found several helpful from a variety of perspectives. One book that covers specific disciplines in an organized and helpful way is Donald Whitney’s, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. The book covers such disciplines as the need for Bible intake, prayer, worship, serving, evangelism, service, etc. But the final one is perseverance, which is to say, to remain disciplined in living out these aspects of the Christian life. Over time, I have emphasized each of disciplines in Whitney’s book, and overall I have lived within the disciplines well, at least, for a time. (The one I always wish I did better/more frequently is journaling.)
The key to understanding spiritual disciplines is to realize living by these elements is not about becoming a Christian, but becoming a better one. For instance, praying does not make us a Christian, but praying better helps us better communicate with God which should lead to living more by faith. Thus, being/becoming disciplined in these various aspects can help to better love God, and love others as well.
Physical Discipline
This area includes both diet and exercise. I have been forced to change my diet due to some digestive issues over the past several years (gluten). Fortunately, these changes have allowed me to lose over 50 pounds, and further changes have allowed me to prevent re-gaining the weight. But I still do not eat as well as I should. And I certainly do not get the bodily exercise I need. And such exercise could be quite easy. For instance, I enjoy reading a great deal (more on this in two weeks), and have a stationary bike that would be a great place to read every day. But I have not developed the habit well enough, so I find a chair or the couch, or someplace comfortable. And unfortunately, being comfortable is rather opposed to being disciplined. Again, this area deserves specific attention, and has for awhile. Although I have improved overall, I still have much to change.
Financial Discipline
My undergrad was in the area of business and finance. So, one would think I would be in good shape in this area. However, we can all be guilty of not applying what we know. In my case, I falsely applied what I knew. (I thought I could beat the businesses at their own game. The fact that banks have bigger buildings and more employees than my house shows that I was wrong!) My efforts caused us to get into a great deal of debt. Fortunately, we are making good progress, but the thousands of dollars in interest I have paid to others over the years is a steep lesson that I had to endure (and cause my family to endure as well). Presently, we live by a very reasonable budget, and again, we are making good progress in this area. But, as I like to remind myself, until the last dime of debt is paid, I am still, in effect, paying for a hamburger I ate in 1994 (It wasn’t that good!)!
Intersecting Strategy and Steps
Having mentioned each of the three areas where I need to constantly remind myself of discipline, I now turn to how each Step can help.
LEARN – I have largely accomplished this Step. I know the disciplines, but I must execute them. Certainly, I do not know everything about how to be disciplined in these areas, but I have a good foundation to what each means (and means to me), so it is time to live by what I know and then add more later.
LIVE – This is the area in where the need is greatest. As I just mentioned, I know plenty, but do I live by the principles I know? In part, and at times, I do very well. But not always. Thus, this step is extremely important to me right now (every aspect of the Strategy seems to have a particular Step in focus). I must remember this (here, particularly related to physical and financial): If I do not choose to live out the principles I know, then I cannot pass them on to others. I can pass on lessons from not living by the principles, but I cannot pass on what it means to live by the principles. If I do not do this, then I will never be able to achieve my Mission or my Vision.
LOVE – In admitting my struggle to Exercise the necessary physical and financial disciplines, it is obvious that I have yet to reach a level of LOVE for either. Yet, when I do exercise physically and see progress being made financially, I have hope for what could be in the future. This hope cannot yet translate to LOVE in this sense, but I see a glimpse of what is possible. Moreover, I can experience a LOVE of the disciplines in a spiritual sense, even if it is imperfect. Again, knowing what is possible should inspire me to be more disciplined in the other areas of my life.
LEAD – As I have mentioned elsewhere in this series, leading others is more than just teaching, it is showing. In a very real sense, it includes the idea of imitation. Without belaboring the point, I am ill-suited to do this in two of the three areas where I want to better exercise discipline. Thus, I must lead in the area of spiritual discipline, helping others to grow in this area, but I must find ways to be led (and be held accountable) in the areas of physical and financial responsibility. As I mentioned in the LEARN Step above, I know enough to begin, but once I do begin, I will need to Learn more and have the humility to be led by others.
Paul exhorts Timothy to be trained in godliness (1 Timothy 4.7-8). The word for trained is the Greek word from which the English word “gymnasium” is derived. Thus, the exercise of which I speak, is not easy, and that is why I have often failed, and while many others do as well. This is not an excuse, but it is a reality, and therefore I (we) need to look beyond myself (ourselves) to find what is necessary to succeed. My willpower is not enough, but God can provide the strength I need (Colossians 1.29). The truth is that exercise is often a part of our training for something greater. I may not know the extent of what that something greater is, but God does. Thus, I must Exercise in order to ensure I am executing my Strategy. And as I do that will move me to the next letter in the sequence – A, which stands for Action.
Prior Posts:
4L – Matthew 4.19 –
4L – Matthew 28.19 –
4L – Spiral –
4L – Vision –
4L – Mission –
4L – Strategy –
4L – Steps –
4L – Learn –
4L – Live –
4L – Love –
4L – Lead –
4L – BackUptheSpiral –
4L – HelpMeLEARN –
This week, I begin my breakdown of each component of my strategy in light of the 4L’s. That is, how do each of the L’s (Learn, Live, Love, and Lead) help my affect my Strategy. This particular post may be a little confusing because my overall Strategy consists of the acrostic LEARN and the first component of the Strategy is Love. But as I hope you will see, the way each of these are used, while complimentary, are not exactly the same. (In all honesty, this may only become apparent after reviewing many of the previous posts and some that are yet to come, but I do think it makes sense overall. Rather than filling this article with many links, you can find previous posts listed at the conclusion of this article.)
Again, my Strategy consists of the acrostic LEARN. The choice was intentional as my both my masters and doctorate degrees relate to Christian education. As such, learning is important to me, and is very much a part of who am I am and what I do (I learn in large part to teach). The first letter of LEARN is the focus for this week. The letter is L and it stands for Love.
A Strategy Led by Love
Of the five letters of my Strategy, this one does have a lot of overlap with the Steps. And yet, the Step is more focused on what I do, while the L of my Strategy is more focused on the concept of love in general. For some, you may think I am splitting hairs, and perhaps I am, but love requires action. But the Step of LOVE is about the attitude of our action, while the Strategy is more about the motivation for them. That is, the LOVE Step, coming after LIVE, relates to following God not because I have to, but because I want to (attitude). The LOVE portion of my Strategy relates to my need to love God and love others because Jesus commanded it (motivation). Again, my response does not have to be due to strict adherence to a command, but if I do love Him, I will heed His commands (John 15.13).
The command in focus here is to love God and love others. Our love for God and for others can be expressed in many different ways. But the questions I must answer as it relates to my Strategy are:
- How does loving fit into Vision and Purpose?
- What happens if I do?
- What happens if I do not?
- How does loving fit into my Strategy?
The answer to the first of these questions is expressed in the opening sentence of my Mission statement. Furthermore, it is the outcome of my Vision statement because the man that God wants me to be will be a man who loves (see my focal verse for my Vision). Thus, the need to love is paramount to fulfilling my Mission which then can lead to achieving my Vision. But becoming a man of Love is only one aspect of becoming who God wants me to be. That is, I could become a very loving person and yet miss out on the purpose God has for my life. So, the idea of Love is just the first portion of my Strategy.
The answer to the next two questions then becomes rather obvious. If I do love then I move closer in this one area towards my goals. If I do not, then I do not move closer, and may actually find myself further from them. The statement I have for this first part of my Strategy says it this way: Love God and others, beginning with my family (Mark 12.29-31). The love must first be directed towards God, then others. I have stated this elsewhere, but if we love others, we may miss loving God. But if we love God (properly), then that love will manifest itself in loving others. Thus, the love is important, but so is the order of focus. Again, if I do love God, then others, I am succeeding – not in my eyes, but in the eyes of God because I am fulfilling the The Great Commandment as given by Jesus. If I fulfill the greatest of all commandments, then I must be moving towards becoming the man He desires me to be.
But again, LOVE is only the first part of my Strategy. Thus, it cannot stand alone, rather, it must be interdependent on the other aspects of my Strategy as well. If I Love but do not Exercise, or Act, or Read, or Nurture others, then how am I expressing the love that I say I have. Likewise, if I do the others to the best of my ability but do not love, then to paraphrase Paul, I contribute nothing to God’s cause (1 Corinthians 13.1-3).
Intersecting Strategy and Steps
I believe the necessity of Love within my Strategy is clear. Now I must briefly relate the concept to each of the L’s.
LEARN – First, I must LEARN what love is. I may know that Love is more than a feeling, but I must continually remind myself of the need to respond in love, to act in love, to live in love. That requires continual living because I can forget this often. As I shared in the post on the LOVE Step, it can be difficult for me to love. I am very practical, and becoming more focused in what I do, and how I live life. But love allows interruptions. In fact, love welcomes interruptions. Do I? Not always (ok, rarely!). And that means I have much more to LEARN about what love truly is.
LIVE – In an above paragraph, I mentioned Paul’s writing as recorded in 1 Corinthians 13. The reality is that if we do not live a life filled by love and shared with love, we are not living as God desires. We may have a great many talents for the world, but apart from love, many will only use their talents for their glory, not the benefit of others or the glory of God. This is not true of everyone, but it is of many. Thus, if we are to truly live a life filled with all it can be, it must be for God and it must be lived in love.
LOVE – Again, this category is an obvious overlap, but I point us back to the difference between attitude and motivation. The Step of LOVE (as I focus on here), is one of attitude. The Love in my Strategy deals with motivation. These two concepts are not unique, but a distinction can be made. As such, when our motivation for loving God and others matches the attitudes behind our actions, we have accomplished something far greater than we can imagine – whether the actual task being done is “successful” or not. This statement is true because the world’s success is different from God’s (Biblically, “success” = “faithfulness”).
LEAD – Many leaders throughout history have used and manipulated others. But that is a part of the reason why this Step is last not first. Because LOVE comes before LEAD, I am suggesting that a good leader will lead from LOVE. LOVE does not mean total acceptance, but in this specific case, care and nurture is a must for the best of leaders. With that thought in mind, the Step of LEAD fits very well with the Love portion of my Strategy. Loving others will move us to LEAD them and leading others includes moving others to be better individually, collectively, or both.
To the Christian, love is a non-negotiable aspect of faith. 1 John 4.19-20 reminds us that we cannot love God if we do not love others. For me, my Strategy must begin with Love (within the acrostic of LEARN) because this piece can be challenging for me. To include the idea at the beginning of my Strategy serves as a constant reminder to me that I need to Love. But, it is only the first part of my Strategy, which means I have four more parts to cover. Next week, I will review how the idea of Exercise (spiritual, physical, and financial) fits into my Strategy and how the Steps (the 4Ls) help me to stay on course.
Prior Posts:
4L – Matthew 4.19 –
4L – Matthew 28.19 –
4L – Spiral –
4L – Vision –
4L – Mission –
4L – Strategy –
4L – Steps –
4L – Learn –
4L – Live –
4L – Love –
4L – Lead –
4L – BackUptheSpiral –