Thursday, May 25, 2017

Using the 4Ls, Part 17 – How the Ls Help Fulfill My Mission

This week, I move up another level to my mission. Many people do not make a distinction between vision and mission, but I think a distinction is helpful. To me, Vision is what you see when the Mission is accomplished. An example I use for this relates to travelling. Let me state the goal of going to the Grand Canyon. The Vision is to “see” the Grand Canyon. The Mission is getting there to see it. The Strategy is how you will get there. The Steps are the individual pieces of the how. To briefly clarify, let me present it this way.

Vision:  See the Grand Canyon
Mission:  I want to go to the Grand Canyon.
Strategy:  I will drive to the Grand Canyon with my wife while we are on vacation.
Steps:  I will take vacation on certain dates, rent a vehicle, plan a route to drive, determine where to say along the way, find grocery stores to buy food, save money for the trip, etc.

Of course, this example is limited, but it shows how I view the overall process. So, with that, let me provide a reminder of my Mission:

I will love my Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ, submit to His authority in my life, and rely on His power to use my God-given abilities to serve others – beginning with my family (Phil. 2:3-4).  I will seek to grow in my knowledge and understanding of God’s truths, and His will for my life.  I will trust in His provision (Ps. 73.25-26).  I will externalize my faith by reaching out to others, teaching them God’s truths, and encouraging others to grow in their own relationship with Christ, so they may disciple others as well (Col. 1.28-29).

This statement contains many different pieces. It has four different action components, three different gifts, and three parts of Scripture to guide me. Over the next several weeks, I will break down the action items and gifts as they relate to the steps. For now, let me list them here and provide a brief rationale for the Scripture references.

Item 1 – Love Jesus (including submitting to Him and relying on Him while serving others)
Item 2 – Learn about God (His truth and His will)
Item 3 – Live by His grace (Trust in his provision)
Item 4 – Lead others so they may lead others (Externalize my faith)

A quick look at these four items reveals the 4Ls although in a different order. I developed this Mission Statement many years ago (15-20) although it has been tweaked some in recent years (e.g. the last phrase was added a couple of years ago). When I developed it I had not considered the 4Ls yet, but I do not see any reason to alter the order of the Mission Statement to match (and think the 4Ls are ordered appropriately).

Gift 1 – Knowledge (along with wisdom knowledge is among my top Spiritual gifts)
Gift 2 – Teaching (primary Spiritual gift)
Gift 3 – Encouraging (another top gift of mine as given by the Holy Spirit)

As my Mission states, these items and gifts must be used in tandem with any abilities I have (talents, skills, etc. – also given by God, but these items I consider to be natural or developed through human means) to complete the task God has for me. As I fulfill my Mission, then I will ultimately achieve my Vision of being the man God wants me to be. But, as I have mentioned throughout this series, each level of my overall plan (Vision, Mission, Strategy, Steps) is interdependent on the other levels to be properly executed. 

Next week, I will begin to break down how each L fits within the context of the Mission. Again, this may already be somewhat apparent (especially with Items 1-4 above), but having come this far in this series, I want to see it through to completion. Therefore, I will begin this breakdown next week.

Prior Posts:
4L – Matthew 4.19 –
4L – Matthew 28.19 –
4L – Spiral –
4L – Vision –
4L – Mission –
4L – Strategy –
4L – Steps –
4L – Learn –
4L – Live –
4L – Love –
4L – Lead –
4L – BackUptheSpiral –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Love) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Exercise) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Action) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Read) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Nurture) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Summary) –

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Using the 4Ls, Part 16 – How the Ls Help Me Learn (Summary)

I have stated a few times in the previous posts that my Strategy (LEARN) cannot be broken into pieces as easily as I seem to have written about each aspect. While each letter has its own meaning and purpose, if I focus on the A (Act) without the L (Love), then I am not truly E (Exercising) discipline and will be unable to N (Nurture) in a way that I may have R (Read) to be helpful or necessary. (That was a strange sentence!)

My point is that each of the five elements (L-E-A-R-N) that constitute my Strategy must all work together if I am truly to accomplish my goals (Mission). To over-focus on any one aspect will cause complications. For instance, if I only focus on Nurturing others, then eventually I will have nothing else to give because I am not building myself along the way (i.e. Exercise, Read) – like a battery that is never recharged. But if I only Exercise or Read for my own purposes (i.e. not Act, Nurture), then I will be like a rechargeable battery that is never unplugged from a power source and eventually corrodes from a lack of use.

The last several posts have covered how each element of my Strategy is aided by the 4L Model of Discipleship. Each of the Ls contributes to each element individually, but the true benefit is when each L and each portion of my Strategy are reviewed over time to see how they blend together to help me grow personally, but also to serve others which fulfills my Mission. Let me provide an example.

Last year, I took my first trip to Kenya (of many, Lord willing). The Lord laid Kenya on my heart many years ago, but due to a variety of reasons (some valid, some just excuses), I had not gone. Thus, I had taken some time to LEARN about Kenya over the past 15 years or so. I had come to Love some of what I knew. I had to Exercise discipline (spiritual, financial, and physical) to go. I had to Act to actually make it there. I Read to prepare myself, and while I was there I Nurtured pastors (primarily) through training. In doing so, I made progress in fulfilling my Mission statement on which I will begin to focus next week. But, for now, let me apply the Steps to the trip.

Learn – I went with a team whose leader (Scott) had been a few times previously. I was “along for the ride” so to speak. I had my responsibilities when we arrived at our destination, but for the first day or so I felt like I was completely at the mercy of our leader because I did not know where to go, what to do, etc. On the other hand, when we arrived at our final destination, many people came up to Scott and greeted him warmly because of his return. I trusted that the proper preparations were made (lodging, food, etc.) – and they were. I learned a great deal on the trip – about logistics, about the people, and about myself. But I had to learn as we went along.

Live – On our first day of training, I watched as Scott began to train the pastors. We had been asked to teach some specific content and Scott trained for 1 1/2 days, I trained for another 1 1/2 days, and we team-taught for part of a fourth day. When we were not training, we took turns going with the rest of our team to share Bible stores in the bush (desert). Thus, for me, the primary objective was to teach (pastors) and share stories with the people of the desert. I did that. That is the step of Live – to do what is asked or, in a biblical sense, commanded. In a most literal way, I was making disciples of a nation by going, baptizing (we baptized several while there), and teaching them to observe the words of Jesus (Matthew 28.19-20). But, to do (Live) needs to move to care (Love) or else it is just going through the motions.

Love – This past week, Scott reminded me of when the “love” portion began for me. It was our second morning in Kenya and our first training pastors. Scott began the day training and after observing him while watching the response and attentiveness of the pastors in the room (about 35), I told him, “I am coming back.” Over the course of the rest of the week, I developed three very close friendships (we still communicate very regularly) and established good connections with many who were there for the training. I also connected with a pastor in the bush who had a need that our church was able to meet after I returned. Not a day goes by that I do not think about my brothers and sisters in Kenya and I eagerly await my chance to return there early next year. Why? Because I Love what I do (teach), and who I am teaching, and for Whom I do it.

Lead – Having been to Kenya now, and desiring to go back, I am now preparing to lead my own team. Currently, I have 4 or 5 others who will be joining me early next year. Scott is leading another team a few months prior, so now we are able to expand our ministry opportunities. It will be different to go without Scott and the others that went last year (the rest of that group and a couple of others are going back together), but the timing did not work for me. Plus, it is my turn to lead. I hope to lead as effectively as Scott did. The process may not be as smooth since this is only my second trip, but a few years ago, he led a team there without any experience in Kenya. And leading others is what we, as Christ followers, are to do. We learn from others, so that we can lead others. That is the essence of discipleship. Thus, now that I have learned and lived a little, and started to love a great deal, I must lead others to do the same.

(I will soon announce a different way in which I will Lead which developed from my time in Kenya. This announcement will likely be in line with a new blog as well.)

Thus, to move back to my Strategy, I will need to focus on each aspect of L-E-A-R-N while collectively processing the aspects as well to prepare the team to go in 2018. As I do, I will take another step towards fulfilling my Mission in serving God as He has not only called me to do, but in a way that He has designed me as well.

Next week, I will begin to share how my Mission Statement relates to this entire process, specifically relating it to each Step of the 4L Model of Discipleship.

Prior Posts:
4L – Matthew 4.19 –
4L – Matthew 28.19 –
4L – Spiral –
4L – Vision –
4L – Mission –
4L – Strategy –
4L – Steps –
4L – Learn –
4L – Live –
4L – Love –
4L – Lead –
4L – BackUptheSpiral –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Love) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Exercise) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Action) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Read) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Nurture) –

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Using the 4Ls, Part 15 – How the Ls Help Me to LEARN (Nurture)

This week, we come to the last of the letters related to my Strategy. That letter is N, and it stands for Nurture. My use of the word nurture is in the sense of training, including through support and encouragement. In a biblical sense, it is the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4.12). Specifically, my clarifying statement for Nurture is:

Nurture others around me to find God’s purpose for their lives. (Ephesians 4.12-13)

Providing care (one aspect of nurture) is not always easy for me, but desiring to see people grow is. As such, this element of my Strategy is the culmination of the other elements – Love, Exercise, Action, and Read.

The Essence of My Strategy

As I have said elsewhere (again, the entire series is listed at the conclusion of this post), none of the five elements of my Strategy can stand alone. They are interconnected – woven together in ways that still astound me even though I developed the strategy! But Nurture is the foundation from whence the others grew. That is, for the last couple of decades seeing others grow in their faith and living it out has been of utmost importance to me. The truth is that I fail at properly nurturing others often, but that is a part of why LEARN is the Strategy. If I continue to learn from my mistakes, changing my approach to give everyone involved a better opportunity to succeed the next time, then I am doing my part.

The focus of my Nurture has changed over this past year. Over the past many years, I believed my purpose was “to serve a church and in an institution to train the next generation of ministers.” The former was why I pursued my masters degree, the latter made a doctorate necessary. I remember clearly when and where I was when each of these aspects was made clear to me. But late last summer the call changed. My purpose is now “to serve the church by training the next generation of ministers.” The idea of nurturing has not changed, but instead of “a” church, my focus is extending to “the” church, at large. Furthermore, instead of just within an institution, I have been called beyond formal education to seek new avenues to train ministers. While I still plan to serve as pastor of my current church and teach in the seminary where I serve as an adjunct professor, I am now partnering with others to explore some new opportunities that God has made apparent (more on this in an upcoming post – probably late May).

So, the idea of Nurture is still very prevalent – probably moreso. However, a part of that focus is now changing as I continue to apply my Strategy by taking the Steps God has for me – all in seeking to live out my Mission and fulfill my Vision of becoming the man God wants me to be.

Intersecting Strategy and Steps

I mentioned above that each of the elements of the Strategy are well connected. Likewise, the Steps must relate to each element as well. The following is an expression of that relationship.

LEARN – To properly Nurture (equip) others, I must have knowledge of what I am training or know where the person can get the equipping they need. I do not pretend to know much about most subjects, but what I know I tend to know very well. That said, I must continue to learn myself, but in the areas I do not have expertise, I can allow others (who do have expertise) to provide training and guidance for those being equipped. Thus, a part of nurturing others is to know what they need, what I know, and where to find resources to fill in the gaps.

LIVE – Education and training is not simply about head knowledge. Educational theory has continually expanded this thought, but many churches have (for far too long) focused only on knowing, forsaking the doing. To make disciples, to equip, and to nurture requires doing alongside those who are learning. Thus, it is imperative to LIVE while nurturing others to grow in their understanding.

LOVE – Again, the love of others cannot be overlooked, but neither can we simply LIVE without LOVE. As I Nurture others, it must be because I love them, but it also must be because I love what I am doing. Certainly, fatigue and frustration set in at times, but when we LOVE what we do, we want to share it with others. When we are able to also share our lives with people we love and, especially, those who are learning to love what we love, then the nurturing is a great deal of fun!

LEAD – This step should be evident. While leaders often learn from those they are leading, nurturing others through training and education requires both a leader and a follower (or many followers). And, the leader who practices what s/he preaches (LIVE) and does so with (LOVE) will be most effective. That is what I want to be.


Next week, I will tie the Strategy together in summary form before we increase our altitude once again to look at how the Steps (and Strategy) impact my Mission.

Prior Posts:
4L – Matthew 4.19 –
4L – Matthew 28.19 –
4L – Spiral –
4L – Vision –
4L – Mission –
4L – Strategy –
4L – Steps –
4L – Learn –
4L – Live –
4L – Love –
4L – Lead –
4L – BackUptheSpiral –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Love) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Exercise) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Action) –
4L – HelpMeLEARN (Read) –