Thursday, January 29, 2015

Becoming Like God...In His Word (Part 2, 3 of 3)

Having looked at the principles of memorizationmeditation, and application, this post provides various options based upon the 4L Model of Discipleship


I asked the following question last week:

If your growth in godliness were measured by the quality of your Bible intake, what would be the result?

Again, that question isn't to dwell on the past, but to learn from it, or use it as a model, so we write a better future for ourselves.

So what's the next step in Becoming Like God?

Our first step, last week was simply to BEGIN. This week, our step is to do something EVERY DAY.

Think about how interrelated last week's and this week's steps are. In order to memorize or meditate on a verse you must either hear it or read it first. To apply a verse, you must understand what it says so you must study it first – or hear someone else explain it. So, really doing all or parts of these aspects every day is not about doing six different things every day, but choosing to do one or two, and letting it marinate within you.

Think of it this way. Consider you are preparing a nice piece of meat to eat. Perhaps you are going to grill a steak. Well, I like to marinate my steaks first. Put some seasoning on it and just let it soak in some sauces. That way when it cooks the flavor is throughout the meat and is really something special. Well, consider yourself the meat, and God's Word the seasoning. Let God Word season you and just let it sit there for a bit, soaking in His Word, that way when the pressure comes – you are cooking, so to speak – you are ready to respond appropriately.

So, specifically, what can you do as it relates to memorizing, meditating, and applying God's Word. Well, we return to our four words – Learn, Live, Love, and Lead – to provide potential next steps for each of us. Again, I will let you discern which of these applies to you, but I will cover a few specifically.

  • Memorize – See information on back of page under Memorization Tips.
  • Meditate – See list on back of page under Methods of Meditation.
  • Apply – Begin to expect to find application in the text. Make it personal, not about someone else!
  • Memorize – Find a tool that can help you. Develop a plan. Memorize word–perfectly.
  • Meditate – Choose a different method each week in order to find a few that work best for you.
  • Apply – Ask, then act! Of each passage, ask if it gives something to believe, to do, or a promise made to you?
  • Memorize – Review a few verses daily. (Review is quick and easy compared to initial memorization.)
  • Meditate – Pray through the text making the text personal as you pray it.
  • Apply – Ask God what areas of your life still need to be conformed to His Word and do it.
  • Memorize – Find accountability. Share with others what you intend to memorize and help them as well.
  • Meditate – Share your personal experiences with others to inspire and encourage them to try as well. Follow up.
  • Apply – Assist others in learning to apply God's Word – by grace not harshness.
Memorization Tips*
  • Have a plan. (
  • Write out the verse(s). (index cards, etc)
  • Draw picture reminders. (stick figures, clip art, anything)
  • Memorize word–perfectly. (word for word, including the reference)
  • Find accountability. (Review with another person.)
  • Review and meditate daily. (Reviewing takes a fraction of the time as learning.)
Methods of Meditation*
  • Emphasize different words (one word at a time) in the text. (eg. John 11.25)
  • Rewrite the text in your own words.
  • Find a principle in the text. What does it teach? (Summarize longer passages)
  • Think of an illustration for the text. (Literally, draw a picture.)
  • Look for applications in the text. (What should I do with what I read?)
  • Ask how the text points to the Law or the Gospel.
  • Ask how the text point to Jesus. (could be opposite – sin)
  • What question is answered or problem solved? (John 11.35 – Was Jesus human?)
  • Pray through the text. (Psalm 119.50 may help if going through something tough)
  • Memorize the text.
  • Create artistic expression of the text. (“Sing a new song”)
  • Use Philippians 4.8 to ask questions of text. (What is true? Honorable? Just? Etc.)
  • Set and discover a minimum number of insights. (Find 30 in Romans 12.1–2)
  • Find the common thread in your daily reading. (“lost” in Luke 15)
  • How does text speak to current situation? (Family – look for relationships)
  • Meditation Mapping (like mind mapping)
*These options are derived from Donald Whitney's book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life.

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