Monday, March 24, 2014

Tasting Death

Continuing our JOURNEY through the books of the Bible brings us to Hebrews. There is so many possibilities to discuss the glory of God in Hebrews, but Chapter 2 is the choice today. In this chapter, we are told that Jesus tasted death. What does this mean? If we consider the idea of tasting food, there could be two primary thoughts:

  • Jesus took a small (brief) bite (and maybe spit it out)
  • Jesus ate it all

Often when we talk of taking a taste of something, we mean putting a very small amount of something in our mouths to test if we may, or may not like a certain bit of food or drink. But the word used in Hebrews 2.9 (& John 8.52) is the Greek word geusetai which means to fully taste. In other words, Jesus fully tasted we could avoid it.

In tasting death for us, the text (Hebrews 2.9-17), gives us a few specific things Jesus accomplished.

  • Jesus shared in our suffering (v9)
  • Jesus served as our high priest (v17) 
  • Jesus satisfied God's wrath. (v10-17)

In sharing in our suffering, Jesus, as a human, was tempted in every way (Hebrews 4.15).

In becoming our high priest, Jesus became like us, became merciful, and became faithful (Hebrews 2.17).

In satisfying God's wrath, our sins were not only removed (expiation), but full satisfaction (propitiation) was realized. (vv. 10-17).

Consider what Jesus truly did! Jesus, as our King took our place. He tasted death - so we wouldn't have to.

Throughout history, many people have served as an assayer. An assayer is someone who serves a king (or leader) by tasting any food for poison. If the assayer eats it and dies, then the king will not eat it.

But our King, because of His love for us, tasted death so we wouldn't have to.

An assayer tasted so a King might not die. Our King died so we wouldn't have to.

What a King! What a Savior! Thank you, Lord!

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